if you do:
xnmsnmpconf -res <device selection name>
What do you get ? Is it the correct community string ?
when you do:
snmpwalk <device selection name> system
do you get an answer other than time out ?
If the answer is yes to both question it means that Netview has the correct
community string.
You can also do a quicktest on the device to check that netview is really
using snmp for polling and to see what answer it gets.
Salutations, / Regards,
Francois Le Hir
Network Projects & Consulting Services
IBM Global Services
Phone: (514) 964 2145
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[nv-l] snmp polled does not give
11/25/2005 08:47 good status?
Please respond to
Hello netview 7.1.4 FP2 on AIX.
I ask my netview to load devices and to snmp polled them.
I put 2 entry in the seed file
The devices for the moment is configured with a wrong community but is
reachable by ping so could be discovered.
But netview instead of showing the device interface Down (because netview
could not reach the device with SNMP), Netview shows the device with an Up
interface status.
And what is most strange is that when I try to make an nmdemampoll it tells
correctly that Netview is polling this device with SNMP but I never
received as usual the snmp time out answer which arrives normally when you
nmdemapolled a device with a wrong community.
I try to stop and start netmon and the problem still.
Is there anyone who has an idear?
Kind Regards/Cordialement/S pozdravem.