I have experienced similar things - like the interface shows
green, but a single interface node is red... One thing that I found
will correct it is to Acknowledge the object, and then
unacknowledge (from a RW map) and the status will come
back correctly. HTH,
> -- [ From: Vynita Pretorius * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> Hi all
> We are running Netview aix 4.1 and have the following problem
> a router with a loopback address appears on the map as red with all
> interfaces as being down. I did an ovtopodump of the router and the
> status was UP. I stopped and restarted all the netview Deamons
> and this did not change anything. Eventually I unmanaged the device, re
> managed the device and it went green.Before stopping the netview daemons
> I did a couple of demand polls but it did not change.
> Could anybody tell me why this happened and how do I rectify it ?
> Thanks
> Vynita P
Scott Wilson Email: swilson@rpm.com
Network Management Consultant Pager: 800-506-7348
RPM Consulting, Inc.
7130 Minstrel Way, Suite 230
Columbia, MD 21045
Corp. office: 410-309-6000 Corp. fax: 410-309-6070