I'm just going through the installation of Framework V3.2 on
What has been done:-
1. Created /usr/local/Tivoli filesystem
2. Mounted cd on /tmp/tmeCDROM ( readonly )
3. mkdir -p /usr/local/Tivoli/install_dir
4. cd /usr/local/Tivoli/install_dir
5. ran /tmp/tmeCDROM/wpreinst.sh
6. export INTERP=aix4-r1
This was because the ./wserver symbolic link file seemed
to requre this INTERP environment variable to be set.
7. ran "./wserver -c /tmp/tmeCDROM"
Got the following message:
"using the interpreter type aix4-r1 as set in your environment.
./wserver[241]: /usr/local/Tivoli/install_dir/bin/aix4-r1/wserver_gui:
not found."
8. Managed to find a wserver_gui file in osf-axp subdirectory
( instead of aix4-r1 ) and copied the links across to
the new /usr/local/Tivoli/install_dir/bin/aix4-r1 directory.
9. Tried running "./wserver -c tmp/tmeCDROM" again:-
Got the following message:
"using the interpreter type aix4-r1 as set in your environment.
./wserver: /usr/local/Tivoli/install_dir/bin/aix4-r1/wserver_gui:
0403-006 Execute permission denied."
This is strange and annoying - does anybody have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Simon Long