GDES Khoury Cassis Jhony wrote:
Dear People:
I want to satrt netview, and I receive the message:
1)snmp not running
2)nvsecd not running
3)problems with network configuration
and all the daemons do not start, ig gives the message never run
What can I do?
I have already restarted the machine, and nothing cahanges.
I have version 4.0, and running snmp common agent
Thanks in Advance
Hi Khoury,
Maybe a wee hint, ...
Use ovstop nvsecd and use ovstart nvsecd to start netview, if this shouldn't
work, do another ovstop nvsecd and then use netnmrc to start netview!
I hope this will solve your problem
Best Regards
Peter Hadamovsky debis Systemhaus GmbH TKS/PB
Erich-Herion-Str. 13 70736 Fellbach phone: +49 711 1749501
fax: +49 711 1749663