All of the daemons are running and are "well-behaved" via
ovstatus. Here's more data to clearup the confusion:
* The thresholds are configured from NetView's Data Collection
window with corresponding trap number
* Some traps work and some don't- all configuration formats are
* NetView for Solaris patch 5.1.1 was installed last week
Although ovstatus shows evrything running fine, we also had an error
"nvserverd" not running when we attempted to ovstop and ovstart.
Is anyone having any buggy issues with the new patch or any similar
Thanks Again- Glen
-----Original Message-----
From: James Shanks [SMTP:James_Shanks@TIVOLI.COM]
Sent: April 14, 1999 9:56 AM
To: NV-L@UCSBVM.ucsb.edu
I'm confused.
Thresholds are part of rulesets. There is no way to threshold a
trap in trapd.conf But Pop-Up Notifications and Automatic Actions are
part of things you set in trapd.conf using Event Configuration
(xnmtrap). So it is not clear to me what you are actually doing.
But check all the daemons. Rulesets are run by nvcorrd.
Automatic actions by ovactiond. And Pop-UP Notifications by nvevents -
so it must be running for those to occur. The daemons have logs you
can look for error messages.
James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support