I'm not running my browser on the same box as
the server...
If you are running your
browser on the same box as NetView, then you must start the NetView GUI
before you start the browser. Browsers are notorious for stealing
all available colors. The only other alternative is to
start your browser with a private color map. I Netscape you can do this
on the command line with the -install option: netscape
James Shanks Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3
Matt Ashfield <mda@UNB.CA> on 04/21/99 10:05:18
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager
(bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems) Subject: web server changes
after NV5.1.1 installed
Hi all,
I successfully
installed the NetView 5.1.1 patch yesterday. I'm running it on AIX 4.3.2
and Framework 3.6..No problems were encountered and everything is working
fine except for one thing. When I look at my maps through a Web browser,
the gui seems to have lost some of it's look. By this I mean,
the titles at the top of my page, for example: default:
Root-IP.Internet-131.202.1 Now appear as straight, non-colored text with
links to the previous maps. Before the patch, they appeared with colors.
Overall, the look of my web interface is not as good as before, but I
suppose the functionality is there so I shouldn't complain...Just
wondering if anyone else has had similar encounters...I did have the
following message when I first started my web
mda@pluto[/usr/OV/bin -231]] $Warning: Cannot allocate
colormap entry for "DodgerBlue" Warning: Cannot allocate
colormap entry for "DarkGoldenrod" Warning: Cannot allocate
colormap entry for "DarkOrange" Warning: Cannot allocate
colormap entry for "DeepPink" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap
entry for "DarkSeaGreen" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap
entry for "Thistle" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Gold" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Orchid" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Salmon" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Plum" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Coral" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Pink" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Goldenrod" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"Violet" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
"DarkSalmon" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for
Additionally, I get the following entries
when I open NetView help:
mda@pluto[/usr/OV/bin -439]] $Warning:
Cannot allocate colormap entry for "grey77" Error: can't
load bitmap file '/usr/Tivoli/bin/dynatext/data/bitmaps/srchexec.bm',
trying default Error: DynaText is unable to allocate some colors it
needs. You may be unable to see or use menus and dialog controls. Either
exit any color-intensive applications and restart dtext, or simply
restart dtext with the '-privcolor' option. Warning: Cannot allocate
colormap entry for "#ffffee" Error: can't load bitmap
file '/usr/Tivoli/bin/dynatext/data/bitmaps/srchexec.bm', trying
default Error: can't load bitmap
file '/usr/Tivoli/bin/dynatext/data/bitmaps/srchhist.bm', trying
default Error: can't load bitmap
file '/usr/Tivoli/bin/dynatext/data/bitmaps/donote.bm', trying
Matt Ashfield Computing
Services University of New Brunswick 506-447-3033 mda@unb.ca