Hello Gerd,
It sounds as though you might be leaving a blank space after the third field
identifier, since you're getting an error on the third field each time. The
following works fine:
IP Hostname,SNMP sysContact,SNMP sysLocation
"Brunschede, Gerd" <Gerd.Brunschede@HIK.FZK.DE> on 07/13/99 06:24:58 AM
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView
cc: (bcc: Elizabeth Bagley/Tivoli Systems)
Subject: AW: NV 5.1.1: Command nvdbimport
Hello Bernard,
thank you for your answer to my problem. You are right, the FieldID is
really "IP Hostname". But when I try your suggestion under point 2) I get
the error-message
FieldID "IP Hostname Not Found. So, point 2) doesn't work.
Your suggestion under point 3) doesn't work too, with or without quotation
Can you talk me exactly how you solved the problem, please?
With best regards
Gerd Brunschede
-----Urspr üngliche Nachricht-----
Von: benvain [mailto:benvain@bsd.tm.fr]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 13. Juli 1999 16:11
Betreff: Re: NV 5.1.1: Command nvdbimport
Hi Gerd,
I tried your command (NV 5.1.1, AIX 4.2.1). Conclusions:
1. There is no hyphen between IP and hostname. (But then the not found
FielID is "IP-Hostname").
2. "IP Hostname,SNMP sysLocation,SNMP sysContact" works fine.
3. I managed to reproduce your problem by adding a blank behind the
second comma...
Bernard Envain CIC-Banque Scalbert-Dupont
Ph.: +33 3 20 12 60 47 Fax: +33 3 20 12 60 80
Brunschede, Gerd wrote:
> Hello,
> to set some values in the NV-database I used the nvdbimport
> command in this form
> /usr/OV/bin/nvdbimport -fv <import-file-name>
> The values I would like to set were
> SNMP sysContact and SNMP sysLocation. The notation in the
> import-file was the following
> IP-Hostname,SNMP sysContact,SNMP sysLocation
> After command-execution I got the error-message:
> FieldID Not Found: SNMP sysLocation returned 0
> When I interchange the two parameters and write
> IP-Hostname,SNMP sysLocation,SNMP sysContact
> I get the error-message
> FieldID Not Found: SNMP sysContact returned 0
> Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or is the command
> wrong?
> Thanks in advance
> Gerd Brunschede
> Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
> Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
> 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
> Tel.: +49 7247 82-5637
> Fax: +49 7247 82-4972
> e-mail: gerd.brunschede@hik.fzk.de