To obtain the current filesystem usage for any Compaq server, build a MIB
application in NetView (without the MLM) as follows (of course, make your own
changes as you see fit):
Select Tools->MIB Application Builder: SNMP...->select Add->enter the following
options in the data fields shown on the menu:
application ID = cpqFileSpace
application type = table
application title= Compaq filesystem utilization
Label mib object id
FileSysName ...cpqHoFileSysDesc
PercentUsed ...cpqHoFileSysPercentSpaceUsed
Used Mbytes ...cpqHoFileSysSpaceUsed
TotalMbytes ...cpqHoFileSysSpaceTotal
where the full mib object id is :<mib
object id> from above table.
Incidentally the following labels and widths look nice:
FileSysName 11
PercentUsed 4
UsedMbytes 11
TotalMbytes 11
Menu Path = Monitor->System Activity->cpqFileSpace
Selection Rule = (isSNMPSupported)||(isSNMPProxied)
To automatically monitor the filesystem space on any Compaq server, create an
snmpCollection as follows:
Select Tools->Data Collection and Thresholds: SNMP...->select add and then enter
the following options:
walk the compaq mib down to cpqHoFileSysPercentSpaceUsed
enter for label = cpqFilePercentUsed
try these values:
collection mode = don't store, check thresholds
polling interval = 1h
store =no
threshold = >92
rearm <= 87 absolute
source = list of compaq servers
instances = all
trap number 58720263, where this trap has been previously added under netview's
enterprise In this event customization for "event log
message", use 'Host $A reports $4: $3
This looks complicated but when completed, it works as slick as the proverbial
baby's behind.