When you say 'Netview', do you mean the Data Collection & Thresholding, or are
you using the Agent Policy Manager function to monitor the mib? Usually when
of these applications have trouble finding a variable it is because you have not
encoded the dotted decimal form of the variable correctly. In the APM I think
you might need a dot at the front of the string (. etc). In either
application it
is easy to miss things that go at the end. Try pulling the variable with the MIB
and looking carefully at the output. Chances are the output includes an instance
(a number before the actual data). That number probably needs to be appended to
the dotted decimal form of the mib. And it might be a bunch of numbers.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
NetView monitor is not able to find the MIB variables on a node. I installed
SIA (sysinfod) on it. I am able to get the Disk Usage variable by using the
MIB Browser but netview does not allow me to monitor the node because it
cannot find the Disk Usage variable on that node.