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Re: ovwdb daemon

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: ovwdb daemon
From: James Shanks <James_Shanks@TIVOLI.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:48:15 -0400

Well, ovwdb is more fundamental than ovtopmd, so if he's not running, no
important daemon will start.
But trying to start the NetView GUI with the ovw command when you have daemon
problems is doomed to fail.  The ovw command does not check for any daemons not
running.  You must instead use the netview command.

I have lost the thread of your original append since you are not keeping them
together.  But I believe you said that the original problem was that the daemons
would not start at reboot automatically but that you could start them later from
the command line.  Correct?

Is there a core file for ovwdb in /usr/OV/PD/cores?  If so, I would call
Support.  If not, there are a few things  I can suggest you might try.

(1) After a reboot failure, just go to the command line as root and type in
/usr/OV/bin/ovwdb  and see how long it takes him to start and what error
messages,  if any, you get in the command window.  That may give you a clue.  If
it takes much longer than 2 minutes to start ovwdb, then I would be sure to do
both (2) and (3) below.   They may help in any case.   Also format the nettl
logs :
     netfmt -f nettl.LOG00 > "myfile0"
     netfmt -f nettl.LOG01 > "myfile1"
and see if there are clues in there.   You can also look in
/usr/OV/tmp/netnmrc.ovstart but I don't think there will be anything in there
you don't already know.

(2) Once you get ovwdb and ovtopmd running, do some database clean up.  First
run ovwls and see how many maps you have,  and then run  (a) ovmapcount -a   and
(b) ovtopofix -A (if you have only one map) or ovtopofix -a if you have more
than one.

(3) Run ovobjprint -S and get a count of objects in your database.  Then make
sure that the ovwdb cache size is comfortably larger than this by about 20%.
You can see what your current cache is by doing ps -ef | grep ovwdb and seeing
what value is attached to the "-n" parameter.   You can raise this value by
using the Tivoli Framework GUI.  Click on the policy region to bring up the
NetView server icon, then use the right mouse button to get the context menu for
that.  Then choose "Configure --> Set options for daemons --> Set options for
topology, discovery, and database daemons --> set options for ovwdb.

You have said how long this problem has been occurring, but according to my
notes, some folks on Solaris have a problem with the answer book.  You didn't
move this from port 8888 to 9999, did you?  That what ovwdb expects to use.

>If you run TME10 3.6 and Netview 5.1 on Solaris 2.6 with AnswerBook 2
>installed, port 8888 is occupied by AB2, and Netview would not start. (this
>problem will be logged in /tmp/NVport ---something), stop ab2, and
>reconfigure it to use other ports.

The only other thing I can think of is that there is something different about
your environment as root that is missing at the time netnmrc is run, but at this
point I cannot tell you what.

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support

fabiana@telesc.com.br on 10/25/99 08:59:18 AM

To:   james_shanks@tivoli.com
cc:    (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  Re: ovwdb daemon

I think that the daemons are started with /etc/init.d/netnmrc and the ovwdb
don't  start:
     ovwdb = state:  NOT_RUNNING and exit status  exited on signal 9
     ovtopmd, netmon, ems_sieve_agent, ems_log_agent, nvcold, snmpCollect  are
with state:  UNSTARTABLE

If I try to start the netview with the command : /usr/OV/bin/ovw the interface
inicialize and after
terminated because shows the message : ovw: cannot to open the database.

(See attached file: netnmrc.ovstart)

Your subject says "ovwdb" but your posting makes no mention of it.

In your posting, all the daemons you mention require ovtopmd to be running as a
pre-cursor to themselves.  So what does ovstatus ovtopmd say was the last error
message from ovtopmd?  If it is an exit 255, then the problem is most likely
that the Tivoli environment is not being sourced before the daemons are being
started.  ovtopmd requires the Tivoli libraries in his path.

How is NetView started at reboot in your environment?

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support

   Fabiana Schurhaus
   TELESC - Telecomunica
ções de Santa Catarina S/A
   Tele Centro Sul
   Florianópolis - SC < http://www.telesc.com.br >
   E-mail: fabiana@telesc.com.br
   Voice : 55-48-231-2812       FAX : 55-48-231-2611

Attachment: netnmrc.ovstart
Description: Binary data

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