Matt Ashfield wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been trying to get a ruleset to work lately, and have been having
> problems with it. I basically want it to work like this.
> If something goes down and does not come back up within 2 minutes, perfrom
> an action.
> I have this working for certain nodes, like the ip's of switches and what
> not, but I want to get it to work for my router interfaces. So if I have
> like 10 interfaces on a router, and only one of htem goes down, then it'll
> recognize that an Interface went down.
> THe problem here is, I'm not sure which trap to look for.
Interface down trap is indeed the one to use. I suspect that your problem
lies in the mechanism you are using to decide if the router is one of the
"certain nodes" that you care about. (i.e. if you are testing the IP address
of the router interface that went down against the IP address of the node name
that netview knows the router by, its not usually going to match.)
Probably the easiest way to do this is to create a colection of MajorNodes,
put all your routers, switches, etc, in it, and then use the ruleset object
that tests whether the trap is from an object in that collection.