Have you configured the communities for your loopback-address and your servers
ip address in snmpConf?
Maybe someone else is trying to poll your Server?
If you have cisco routers with authentication traps enabled, try changing the
snmp communities on them to something else than public/private (you should do
it anyway...) on the cisco box and you may see the ip address of someone else
doing an snmp get on your boxes (maybe JetDirect-Server-Tools or something like
Michael Seibold
>>> Indy <indy.chakrabarti@EWLLC.COM> 17.02.2000 16.50 Uhr >>>
I have Netview 5.1.2 on AIX 4.3.2.
I continually get an event that says I have an authentication failure on the
node on which Netview is installed due to a bad community name. Yet I see
that the node shows as "managed", and that snmpd is running on it, and I can
do an snmpwalk. The community name is set to public for my entire network,
and I can see the other nodes on the network w/o bad community name
problems. My snmp.conf and snmp.peers file looks okay too. And Netview seems
to run fine, despite this supposed bad community name. What causes this? And
how can I turn of this trap so I don't get this error?
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