I thought version 6 of NetView (NT anyway) can use ifOper status to
monitor devices (in fact, I thought it was the default for serial
Is there some reason this won't work in this instance, or is this another
difference between AIX and NT versions?
Just curious!
Gary Boyles, Intel
-----Original Message-----
From: lclark@US.IBM.COM [mailto:lclark@US.IBM.COM]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 8:44 PM
To: NV-L@tkg.com
Subject: [NV-L] Monitoring unnumbered serial interfaces when the remote
device is not managed
Niko, I ran across your case at a customer site today. Their internet
connects via unnumbered serial interfaces to the ISP, where we have no
snmp access. But they want to monitor the status of those interfaces at
least on their internet router. I would suggest using MLM on the local box
with APM to monitor the ifOperStatus of the serial interfaces. This will
an icon under the router that changes color, as a standin for the
I have done the same thing to monitor channel interfaces on 2216s.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking