"James Shanks" <SHANKS@us.tivoli.com> writes:
> Todd -
> I am sorry Todd but you are just wrong about this. I work on mib2trap so I
> know, and I have fixed several bugs in it between 6.0 and 6.0.2. I suspect
> your comments are driven by the fact that you may not have been working
> with a current version.
> First, mib2trap is not a script but a program, which has to parse the MIB
> in order to construct all those elements, like the enterprise id, which are
> needed to define a trap to trapd.conf. It uses the same library are
> xnmloadmib2 (UNIX) or loadmibv2 (NT) so it DOES understand the same SNMPV2
> MIB constructs as the SNMPV2 loader, including NOTIFICATION-TYPE, which it
> can use to generate an addtrap statement. It is NOT necessary to use only
> SNMPV1 MIBs with mib2trap. This is true no matter whether you use the NT
> version or the UNIX version.
Well color me duly misinformed on the product by my peers!