guess you could also use nvutil then.
Jason Allison
Principal Engineer
ARINC Incorporated
Office: (410)
266-2006 FAX:
(410) 573-3026
ovobjprint is probably you best approach
to view the contents of the object database. You may try writing a PERL
script that parses the contents of a file created by running ovobjprint.
This script should parse each line looking for the following "Selection
Name" and "isRouter" (if TRUE). Sorry, I don't have anything to offer as
far as a script, but this may shed some light.
Hope this helps.
Milton W. Bridges III Network Automation Systems
Programmer Kaiser Permanente IT National Operations Enterprise
Automation Services, Design and
Engineering (909)739-5339 8-395-5339
| "Karl Prinelle"
<Karl.Prinelle@elyzium.co.uk> Sent by: owner-nv-l-digest@lists.us.ibm.com
10/01/2003 07:09 AM Please respond to nv-l
| To:
<nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com> cc:
Subject: [nv-l] dump devices
script? |
Hi list,
I've been searching around to see if there is a script
available to dump the contents of the object db to a flat file to save me
starting from scratch? I need to filter to only include
switches/routers (and maybe servers one day) and only select a few fields
for each device.
If anyone has a script that is post-able (directly if
necessary), it would be appreciated. If not, I'm working on the basis
that parsing the output from ovobjprint is the best approach (no RIM / sql
database I'm afraid) - does anyone have a different view?
pointers much
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Karl
Prinelle Elyzium Ltd Office: +44 (0)1753 515000 Mobile: +44 (0)7813
<mailto:karl.prinelle@elyzium.co.uk> karl.prinelle@elyzium.co.uk
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