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Re: [nv-l] NV 7.1.3/Solaris writing to Oracle - Question

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] NV 7.1.3/Solaris writing to Oracle - Question
From: Jane Curry <jane.curry@skills-1st.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 18:26:09 +0100
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Provided your existing NetView is reasonably current and you installed NetView on top of Tivoli Framework, you shouldn't need to reinstall. If you didn't install it along with the NetView Server code, you WILL need to install the NetView Database code. This is what actually provides the functionality to archive NetView databases to SQL. It should introduce a new directory, /usr/OV/scripts which has a bunch of SQL setup scripts. If you are looking for documentation on this, it's there and it's quite good but be aware that it is in a separate NetView Database manual - don't go digging around in the Config and Installation Guide for database stuff.

DiIulio, Daniel wrote:

Hello Forum,

I wanted to solicit input regarding the possibility of reconfiguring NetView to 
write and store data to Oracle as opposed to its native flatfile format.  More 
specifically, will I need to reinstall NetView to accomplish this?  Or can I 
achieve this with my existing NetView installation?

Thanks in advance,


Tivoli Certified Consultant & Instructor
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Tel: +44 (0)1628 782565
Copyright (c) 2003 Jane Curry <jane.curry@skills-1st.co.uk>.  All rights 

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