Hi list,
Yesterday I wrote, that I can't start ovspmd. Okay, now I have uninstall
Netview 7.1.4 and install it second time. After installation the
/tmp/update.log shows:
Initializing the Tracing and Logging...
======= Thu Feb 19 09:29:49 NFT 2004 BEGINNING NVCONFIGURE
* Running customize script for fileset OVMIN-LICENSE.
* Making links....
* Running customize script for fileset OVMIN.
* Making links....
* Running customize script for fileset OVWIN.
NOTE: Linking security support for nvsecd daemon.
NOTE: Configuring ovwdb
NOTE: Configuring nvsecd
NOTE: Starting nvsecd
ovstart: unable to contact ovspmd: No such file or directory
awk: 0602-533 Cannot find or open file 19240.
The input line number is 64. The file is 19240.
The source line number is 1.
ERROR: Unable to start nvsecd with ovstart.
ERROR: Unable to start nvsecd with ovstart.
+ dspmsg -s 5 nv6000.cat 9999 customize: Failing customize with exit
code %s\n 2
+ 1>> /tmp/update.log
customize: Failing customize with exit code 2
ERROR: Customize script for fileset OVWIN exited with code 2.
nvconfigbf: Failing doing configuration with exit code 2
base: Failure running script or command
base: Failing base.config with exit code 2
Netview never starts! And ovspmd ist NOT running. I have tryed to copy
ovspmd from NV7.1.3 and it seams to work better, but not realy good.
Tilo Strauch
Deutsche Rentenversicherung
Rechenzentrum Leipzig e.V.
Tel.: +49 0341 9170-220
Fax: +49 0341 9110-806