DCF Document ID: 1042880 - IBM Tivoli NetView: The *nvmail*
program supplied with NetView is not sending email when used in
conjunction with a specified event/trap.
*Problem Desc:* The *nvmail* program supplied with NetView is not
sending email when used in conjunction with a specified event/trap. The
command syntax used is the following: "*nvmail* -server my_smtp_server
-recipient my_email_address -subject "$3 on server $2" -message "body
text of email"" where $3 is event description and $2 nodename.
*Solution:* Check that the *nvmail* command works from the command line
and verify that mail is received.. If mail is not received the problem
is that a true SMPT mail server has not been specified.
If it does work from the command line but the problem is that you get no
mail when it is run from a trap, then it may be that trapd cannot find
The daemons do not share the path, so always include a complete one.
A UNIX-style path may be used (which is what trapd is expecting because
it is ported from UNIX) as per the following:
"C:/usr/ov/bin/*nvmail*.exe <rest_of_nvmail_command>"
Or an NT-style path can be used but that must be "escaped" because the
underlying code does not recognize it per the following:
"C:\\usr\\ov\bin\\*nvmail*.exe <rest_of_nvmail_command>"
NOTE: The double \\ backslashes here are necessary because the single
one is interpreted as an escape character.
SOLUTION # 117551
ronnie.ross@springs.com wrote:
What is the trick to get NetView on Windows to send e-mails for alarms
(down events)?
On AIX you could just create an action in a rule like echo "$NVATTR_2
$NVATTR_3 $NVT" | mail someone@something.com
On Windows I have smtp running locally but it does not work.