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RE: [NV-L] SNMP polling config file(s)

To: Tivoli NetView Discussions <nv-l@lists.ca.ibm.com>
Subject: RE: [NV-L] SNMP polling config file(s)
From: James Shanks <jshanks@us.ibm.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:26:02 -0500
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If you are getting a path error using Help, then there is a problem with your installation. The Help pages are displayed by a browser such as mozilla (nee Netscape) and you have to have that installed and whatever environment variables it needs (such as MOZILLA_HOME) already set before you start the NetView GUI.

I'll answer question two first.

Configuration polling is something netmon does daily by default via SNMP to see whether the anything it knows about a devices has changed, such as the number of interfaces, their speeds, and so on.

So the answer to question one is that turning off New Node Discovery for an individual device or a group (Smartset) of them does not affect Configuration Polling of a device. New interfaces will on an existing device will be discovered by the Config check.

IMHO the only reason you should be removing a device from new node discovery is if it has been definitely shown that querying it causes a problem of some sort on that device.

BTW, you can shut of new node discovery all together via a pull down from the GUI Options --> Topology / Status Polling Intervals. And you can restore it later the same way.

James Shanks
Tivoli Network Availability Management Level Three
Network Availability Management
Tivoli Software, IBM Corp
1-919-224-1642 | T/L 687-1642 | ITN 26871642
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          02/23/2009 12:56 PM
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RE: [NV-L] SNMP polling config file(s)


thanks for the very good answer. I tried the help button in the SNMP configuration dialog box but I receive an error regarding a path. I also check the manuals on line and which are the same as I have in paper form and no mention of what all the fields do. So I am guessing and don't want to guess.

Perhaps you can help me get help working or help me understand a few fields.

1. If I deselect/uncheck the Discovery Poll for a specific node or Smartset, netmon will not use this device (or in the case of a Smartnet) or devices to discover new nodes. Will NetView still discover new interfaces on an existing device if Discovery Poll is unchecked?

2. What does Configuration Polling Interval do? Polling the configuration of a device for what? Is this discovery Polling? Are Discovery polling and Configuration polling the same thing?

Thank you for your valued help,

Kevin Sperry
IT Analyst, Data Center Monitoring Control

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