Those numbers don't surprise me. And I would definitely put another
big chunk of memory on it before adding the other applications. It does
not appear (in your snapshot) as if you are paging, so you are not
really out of memory yet. Make sure you are backing that memory up
with well-configured paging space (2 times real memory, divided
evenly over all physical drives, centered and contiguous). The
processes will all share the memory. Some resource has to be the
limiting factor, and in yours it is memory.
Have you reviewed the objects to make sure you need all of them?
If there are workstations in there, you might weigh them against the
price of memory. If they are all critical devices, then you probably will
need memory.
What do you mean by '11 background maps'? Gifs? Get rid of
them. How many events displays are you using? How many
events are you loading into them? You might want to reduce them
as they have a big impact on memory usage. Put on a monitor
tool (tops or something) to verify which processes are using the
memory and cpu.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
(248) 552-4968 Voicemail, Fax, Pager
---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on 05/18/99
11:30 PM ---------------------------
Sergio Cardona F <sergcafe@MAIL.VISIONTECH.COM.CO> on 05/18/99 04:26:42 PM
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM)
Subject: Memory usage
Hi All:
I need help, We have detected a rare (????) behavior with our machine:
We have a Risc/6000 H50 with 2 processors and 1Gb RAM, with aix 4.3.2.
We have installed netview 5.1.1, the database has 26000 objects and the
ovwdb has configured its memory cache in 30000.
we have 11 background maps and 1 or 2 operators. the operators are
conected via a X Client.
We had noticed that the memory was low ( the system had 512Mb RAM), when
We increased
the memory to 1Gb the system has remained using the total amount of
Antioquia@root:/>vmstat 3
kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
0 1 155166 121 0 0 0 4 12 0 134 535 102 3 2 90 5
0 2 155167 120 0 6 0 15 19 0 273 2274 387 8 2 86 4
0 2 155167 155 0 0 0 3 4 0 258 1139 202 2 2 96 1
0 2 155167 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 247 825 146 1 0 98 1
0 2 155167 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 1313 217 3 2 95 0
0 2 155169 120 0 1 0 0 0 0 274 1988 357 8 3 86 2
Is this normal ?
Is There a way to limit the number of memory used by NetView ?
We are worried about the memory performance , because we need to install
Cisco Works 2000 and Nways manager in the same machine.
Is this memory enough to support all software in the machine?
Thanks and Regards,
Sergio Cardona.