I have just recently joined the NetView Forum. I have a little problem with
the NetView and Tivoli Integration.
My environment is:
* TMR which includes TEC, DM, INV, SD,RC
* A separate TMR running NetView only
* The TMRs have a two way interconnnection
* NetView version is 5.1.1
* Framework version is 3.6
Has anyone been able to get the full integration (as documented in the TIPN
User's Guide) running in a similar environment?
Problems encountered:
* Cannot install TEC Console in the TMR running NetView since this TMR
does not have TEC Server installed.
* Having error installing the NetView/TEC Integration Adapter.
Thanks in advance.
Tom Giovannini
Enterprise Management Engineering - South
5400 Legacy Drive
M/S: A4-1C-38
Plano, TX 75024
Phone: (972) 604-4105 (8-834) Fax: -4776
Internet: tom.giovannini@eds.com