To add to Leslie's response to question #1:
I think it would be best to set up all five NetView servers to use all five
Mid-Level Managers. As long as each NetView server "tells" a particular MLM
to monitor the same devices, then you should not have any problems. We have
had up to three different NetView servers using the same MLM to distribute
status polling. All of the NetView servers have the same collection
definition for each MLM's mlmDomain collection. All of the MLM's have an
entry for each NetView server in its Trap Destination table, so when an IP
address changes status, all of the NetView servers are notified.
-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Clark [SMTP:lclark@US.IBM.COM]
Sent: Friday, September 17, 1999 00:26
Subject: Re: Using MLM
See comments below..
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
we are considering to use the Mid Level Manager.
Before deciding to do so I have some questions.
Description the configuration:
There are five sites, every site has its own network of about 25
A site is connected to its neigbour site via a 19.2Kb TCP/IP
There is a NetView management station on every site, which have to
the actual situation on all five sites,
and show the events from the other site(s) on request.
1. Is it possible that NetView is running on the management station
of a
site, together with the MLM which has to inform the other four
management stations?
>> Yes. You would have each Netmon discover the whole network, then
>> Collections to assign responsibility. I'm not real clear on what
>> when 4 different Netviews tell the same MLM that it is
responsible for
>> the same section of the network. But if each Netview does NOT
tell all of
>> the MLMs, then I don't see how to stop the netmon's from polling
>> other sections. Anybody else?
2. MLM can sent its information to more than one management station,
but can
this info be filtered per management station?
>> You could use rulesets based on those same Collections you used
>> delegate responsibilty to the MLMs. If an operator wants to see
>> events for section A, he would create a dynamic display and
>> the ruleset for that section. The rule would consist of a Query
>> Database Collection block to see if the event is about a node in
>> that Collection, and a Forward block.)
Every answer, which clarifies is welcome.
Thank you.
Laurens Rauwers