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RE: Problems using NetView 6.0 for Unix

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: RE: Problems using NetView 6.0 for Unix
From: Gareth_Holl@tivoli.com
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 21:48:00 -0400

What are your SNMP config settings ? Try doing an snmpwalk to the node which you
are demand polling and check its performance (use both ip address and hostname).
Do you have  RES_TRY=1 and RES_TIMEOUT=1 in your environment to reduce the delay
of NetView's operation because of poor DNS operation - this might highlight
whether it is a DNS issue or not.

While you are demand polling, is NetView, and in particular netmon, busy with
anything else and thus the demand poll is being put off ? Is it discovering or
is netmon busy with status polling (check your netmon ping and pingwait lists:
"netmon -a 11" and "netmon -a 12" - output is dumped to the
/usr/OV/log/netmon.trace file.

Regarding having a low "number of route entries" in your snmp config, I believe
this may have a limiting effect on NetView's discovery of a network as it will
be restricted on what is can learn from Router's ARP tables. I am not sure if
daily snmp config checks would also be affected - probably not but new
discoveries may also be prevented.

Gareth Holl

Tivoli Systems / IBM Corporation
Research Triangle Park,  NC  27703.    1-800-TIVOLI-8

"Fendrick, Gib (CC-Platform Dev)" <Gib.Fendrick@conagra.com> on 07/27/2000
07:26:24 PM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   "'IBM NetView Discussion'" <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc:    (bcc: Gareth Holl/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  RE: [NV-L] Problems using NetView 6.0 for Unix

We are still on NetView 5.1.1, so I have no experience with the v6.0 Web

I don't know if you are a new NetView installation or upgraded from V5, but
our experience on NetView V5 is if you have large IP Route tables in your
routers AND the Number of Router Entries in your SNMP Configuration is set
large (> a few hundred), it can take awhile for the demand poll to complete.
You can tell if this is the cause if the Demand Poll results window is
setting on Get IP Address Table.

In the NetView class, we were told to set this value at 100-200.  But the
instructor couldn't explain what the impact was when this number was low and
in reality you had large route tables.  Maybe someone out there knows if or
how this impacts NetView's operation?

Gib Fendrick
ConAgra, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Salinas Sangines Guillermo [mailto:gsalinas@scanda.com.mx]
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 4:56 PM
Subject: [NV-L] Problems using NetView 6.0 for Unix

Hi, recently I installed NetView 6.0 for Unix (AIX, 4.3.3)
I'm using Framework 3.6.2, I've already installed all the patches for the
I looked at the tivoli ftp site for patches for NetView 6.0, but I didn't
found any required patch.

The problem I have is that NetView is working VERY slow when I do a demand
poll operation.
Also, I've already configured the web access, but when I try to access from
any PC, the applet only presents a window showing "left botton/right

Does any knows if there is a patch for NetView 6.0 for Unix that could solve
this problem?

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