If you think demand poll takes to long or the Router CPU goes high during
polling - some Routers (Cisco) supports an SNMP option
that it will not send their arp cache via SNMP.
You might do that if you have finished your discovery.
Kr, Dietmar
Hi. We are running Netview v6 on AIX. We just did a test by doing a
test->demand poll on a couple of routers and watched as their CPU
went to the high 90's and sometimes 100%. It appeared to be the worst
the "Getting ARP table data for discovery of secondary interfaces" phase
something close to that verbage).
Can we prevent this ARP cache dumping? If we can, will it prevent
of new devices?
Also, where/how may I search the archives of this list?
Thanks for any help!
Craig Treptow
Principal Financial Group
I/S Network Administration
(515) 247-6207
NV-L List information and Archives: http://www.tkg.com/nv-l