"James Shanks" <SHANKS@us.tivoli.com> writes:
> What symptoms are you seeing which makes you think that your trapd.conf is
> (still) corrupted?
> It might be but without some indication of what makes you think so, I
> couldn't say what to do.
Now that I've restored an older trapd.conf, and I don't get any
errors, I'm not longer under the impression that trapd.conf is
corrupted--but the ruleset is another matter.
My ruleset, is doing strange things. I have gotten into the habit of
always doing a refresh layout after every change in the rulset, and
certainly every time before I save-and I've gotten used to the
automatic connection of ruleset nodes.
Nonetheless, what I've seen since I rebuilt the ruleset from its
original corruption was yet another occurrence of the ruleset nodes
getting slightly mixed around when reopening the ruleset.
On both occasions I witnessed this in 6.0, I have a ruleset that
contains these branches:
I refresh layout to verify, save rulset, close rulseteditor. I then
create new Dynamic workspace, activate rulset, throw some test traps
at it, notice something's amiss. Reopen the ruleset, and then I find:
\ /---Forward
It's as though 6.0 changed my ruleset on me somehow. This has
happened to me twice now under 6.0...and it's rather odd. If I open
the same .rs file in 6.02, I see the same thing.
I'm going to rebuild it again and try it under a 6.02 box...and see
what happens.