You have me puzzled when you talk about a "subnet wildcard". Also the
setting of 8y, is that in NetView or the MIB? I am not familiar with
8y. What command gives you that output?
Do you have autodiscovery turned off? Is there a valid reason for this?
Many customers that I worked with and had it off actually reduced greatly
some of NetView's benefits. If you want to manage a network, having
NetView discover the network as engineers install things is a great
strength of NEtView. If you don't want to manage PCs, build a smartset
of them and unmanage any PC that gets discovered. Having operators ping
interfaces to manage them is only as good as your documentation and the
operators themselves. 98% of the time customers learned quite a bit
about their network when NetView autodiscovered it.
Stephen Hochstetler shochste@us.ibm.com
ITSO Tivoli Coordinator - Austin
Office - 512-436-8564 FAX - 512-436-1991