It looks like I am not explaining myself properly.
Under 'SNMP Configuration' you can set polling intervals for nodes. We are
using the "IP Address Wildcards" scheme along the lines of "172.16.1-254.*"
with polling interval of "8y". Please understand I am not saying this is
the best solution. I am saying this is my situation and what do I need to
understand to troubleshoot my problem of these nodes not being discovered?
Autodiscovery is on. I am in the process of getting time to reproduce the
problem in the development lab to prove this is the problem. Then I need to
determine what line I should take on how to trouble-shoot this problem in
the NOC if is not as simple as the polling of that device.
Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Hochstetler []
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 11:58 AM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: RE: -- More -- RE: [NV-L] Facilitating discovery of IP Objects
You have me puzzled when you talk about a "subnet wildcard". Also the
setting of 8y, is that in NetView or the MIB? I am not familiar with
8y. What command gives you that output?
Do you have autodiscovery turned off? Is there a valid reason for this?
Many customers that I worked with and had it off actually reduced greatly
some of NetView's benefits. If you want to manage a network, having
NetView discover the network as engineers install things is a great
strength of NEtView. If you don't want to manage PCs, build a smartset
of them and unmanage any PC that gets discovered. Having operators ping
interfaces to manage them is only as good as your documentation and the
operators themselves. 98% of the time customers learned quite a bit
about their network when NetView autodiscovered it.
Stephen Hochstetler
ITSO Tivoli Coordinator - Austin
Office - 512-436-8564 FAX - 512-436-1991
ITSO redbooks at