i am running two LANs, connected true 2 routers
by each other. To connect the routers, I have to
use the transfer - network (dont ask me why)
so it looks something like this:
NV-BOX (Local Net 1)
¦ (
¦ (
¦ (
¦ (transfer - network)
¦ (
¦ (
(Local Net 2)
NetView has no chance, to reach the 2 cards 50.1 and 50.2 over IP
and it is absolutly forbitten to me to set the route localy.
So the MAP applikation of NetView give a red label to the
I enabe SNMP on the router, but the MAP - Applikation was
not smart enought to check the SNMP-Value of the interfaces
and indicate them green.
They are still red, thats sad.
Is there a solution???