Catalina, the other discussion was about Netview-generated events, which
come only when the nodes are managed in at least one map. If you are
really talking about events (traps) FROM unmanaged nodes, that is another
story. Managed or unmanaged or not even in the map, unsolicited traps
need to be turned off at the sending device. There is an options on the
events display to suppress traps from unmanaged nodes, but that's on a
per-user basis and you set it each time you open the map.
For porting your map from test to production: This will work if your two
are reasonably close in address (eg same subnet). You will need to take
the whole database (/usr/OV/databases/openview) as well as the seedfile
and location.conf and the snmp configuration (read up on xnmsnmpconf -exp).
And any other customization you have done. Read about the backup and
restore of the database in the diag manual (I think). Use pax for the
And... /usr/OV/service/reset_ci after restoring to handle the change in
and name within the database. You will also need to run the mapadmin
command. Yes, practice would be a good idea.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
05/09/2001 08:38:52 AM
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <>
Sent by:
To: <>
Subject: Re: [NV-L] Events from unmanaged nodes
I am running Netview 6.0 on AIX 4.3.2, I am getting events from unmanaged
nodes. How do I change this? I am in the process of installing 6.0.2 and
4.3.3 on a test box to move it to production.
How do you I stop receiving events from unmanaged nodes without turning
off discovery?
Also,How do I import the IP maps from the production box to my test box?
Should I just bring in the location.conf and netmon.seed? The maps have
been customized and I really don't want to have to recreate them. We have
so many devices and icons that the person before me cut, pasted, hide many
icons. The location.conf and netmon.seed files do not hide all the
objects. I am still new at this so maybe I should practice...
Any Suggestions?
Catalina Martinez
System Programmer
Texas Legislative Council
(512) 936-1012 x1755
(512) 403-7711 pgr
>>> 05/09/01 05:05AM >>>
I see the same on NetView 6.01 for NT; the only way I found to avoid
thousands of unmanaged workstations was to turn off discovery and delete
On AIX, unmanaging nodes _does_ stop netmon pinging them - surely it is
to work the same way on NT?
John Nicholson wrote:
> Hello,
> in the event browser of NetView 6.02 for NT, I can see interface up/down
> node up/down events of unmanaged nodes. Is that correct?
> Regards
> Peter Weischer
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