Scott et al
Sign me up for any forum to discuss enhancements to the product.
As far as I can see it's not a case that the basic product is no good it's more
a case that a good product can be made better by incorporating the ideas of the
people who use it on a day to day basis.
It's loosely analagous to the situation that we are now seeing in the Open
Source environment where the entire product range is improved by incorporating
feedback from the user community, especially given that the user community is
technically proficient and therefore in a position to provide informed
Cheers - Gavin
>>> 28/08/2001 23:10:28 >>>
I would be interested in hosting a forum for enhancements. I would use
e-groups or similar. Would there be very many folks interested? I would
invite marketing reps into the forum to monitor the information we collect
and to formalize our enhancement requests. Anyone interested?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tremblay, David A. []
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 8:08 AM
To: 'IBM NetView Discussion'
Subject: RE: [NV-L] enhancement requests
You have only posted information that is already available and you won't get
into to trouble.
In the meantime, EVERYONE stick up for Leslie by requesting an enhancement
request to her salary!!!! :-)
In all seriousness, if the people on this list worked together and figuring
out what is most important and needed for functionality. We could improve
the product by letting IBM know the numbers of frustrated customers there
are out there. BTW, there ARE OTHER PRODUCTS out there that have different
functionality that are better in some respects and worse in others. The
point is that we as customers will take our business to the vendor that
supports our needs and concerns the best.
Documentation for installation of the product could be much better. Why
isn't the installation broken down into separate chapters than mixing all
the different OS versions together. A chapter for Solaris, one for NT, one
for AIX, etc. It makes for a very confusing install the first time around
and you can always be 2nd guessing yourself if you accidentally read another
set of instructions for another OS by mistake. KISS means just that Keep
It Simple Stupid and being concise on your install directions is a
fundamental aspect that should very simple.
There are so many things about this product that SCREAM out for change but
haven't happened in the many years of being. I am well aware of NetView's
roots based in the HP Openview code and is probably a resource issue to fix
all of the things on our wish list. But if we begin to communicate the
same enhancements by a good number of us, changes will happen or we can go
elsewhere for our network management software.
It has taken 2 years of working with the product to get me fired up to this
level of frustration and I'm laid back. Just think of how many others out
there that support this product out there that are just as frustrated as I
am right out of the box.
David A. Tremblay John Hancock Financial Services
Lead Systems Analyst Corporate Technology Services
-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Clark [SMTP:lclark@US.IBM.COM]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: [NV-L] enhancement requests
FYI, to any IBM or Tivoli field people using this list, I have
on our internal forum the method for submitting enhancement
requests on behalf of your customers. If the sales rep is not
responding, the field specialists can do as well.
For the customers who are thinking up requirements, you need
to act like a user group. Come to some concensus on your
priorities, apply the weight of numbers, and outline your
requests. (Organize?). Then ask some Tivoli or IBM person
to submit the request for you using the proper channels. I
have said before that I would submit them. But you have to
come up with them. They really do not listen to me. I don't
buy software.
Be aware that the planning cycle is rather long. You should
consider asking for a disclosure on the contents of V7 before
you get too far into it.
I'm going to be in trouble now, for sure.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
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